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By: Lic. Mayorca Guerra Aurelio Jesus

                                               The color and joy of the Huanca Santiago

Santiago Huanca, cultural tradition of the Mantaro Valley with its own ancient custom, its fervor, colorful, tradition distinguished from other regions of the Peru, is a Festival instituted in each family, on the basis of these qualities their expression or manifestation is expressed in his language native quechua huanca, language that until today the inhabitants of the southern part of the Valley as part of their identity and as a cultural heritage, communicate latent sign is that young people today proudly expressed in quechua huanca songs and melodias in different festivities such as threshing, the Huaylas antique and modern, and Santiago Huanca. Cultural expression that will endure over time while the huancainos let's be presumptuous of our identity. The cult to the Apus was to renew his faith as an act of surrender ceremony to their animals, tradition that is grown from the Inca Empire in which is worshipped to the hills and Plains as the second Dios Wamaní created by Dios Incarrí that was the Sun Wamani was the protector of nature, family life and their animals.
The indigenous man, since its inception has had a relationship of coexistence with their docile and useful animals which at this time were few in variety as calls it, the dog who had responsibility to protect the life and well-being of dependants co cattle and alpaca MO which by its utility were used for cargo, food and wool, camelid product that allowed the making of their costumes and mascots for as your company in this relationship and utility man demonstrates a manifest sense with their animals and worried about the fertilization of them and influenced by their beliefs venerated at Dios Wamaní as symbol or sacred instrument object of worship attributed to the mythology of the punishment with the presence of lightning, granizada, Frost, wind and drought than you they would harm the reproduction and maintenance of their animals.
The Apus, is a spiritual figure, incarnated by the hills, the peasant man in time depends on the behavior of nature that allows him to develop its economy so, given their beliefs and traditions worshipped the Earth through rituals and (improbable) offerings in gratitude to the divine goodness, ritual ceremony which were done by priests illuminated much faith during the development of the festivity in honor to their gods.
The concept of the party now called Santiago at the time pre-hispana for community Jatunrunas and Ayllus were ignored, opportunities to express their joys was essentially by the result of a good harvest of its products and the reproduction of their cattle that this economic activity depended on the well-being of the family and community, and as a manifestation of faith to gods and their expressions of joy worshipped the Apus through rites and popular songs known as the Jailli were accompanied with original instruments of the era as the quena, the tinya and the zampoña.
Worship and ceremony to the Apus unfolded through the land payment in accordance with their traditions and beliefs, ritual which was led by a priest with rigorous ritual procedures at the counter, which was harmonized with a popular dance during the ceremony and it was shared with the nuclear family who poured songs harmonized with the accompaniment of the tinya, implications that were are a warrior dance, for this event the ayllus were organized with due anticipation that, It consisted in the preparation of the traditional drink the chicha de jora corn that has a process of maturation and the provision of food by the House and benefit from animals that had. This ceremony was performed annually after each harvest and before preparation of land for planting, it should be noted during the dry season, this time is used to shear the sheep.
The offering of the pagapu contained wild fruit, coca leaves, harvest grains, handicrafts and precious metals, all in a special container for this date and appropriately decorated with wild flowers in the area, offering that was deposited in a default location. The quechua village economy was based on Agriculture and livestock, the growth of this main activity was gratifying and a special event which resulted in a party at their different stages, in the event that occupies us livestock, where the festive Act manifested during mating, birth and shearing.
The ritual ceremonies as part of a cultural expression of the Ayllus, were expressed through art and songs (jailli), custom maintained existing even before the insurrection and beheading of Túpac Amaru II (1781) subsequent to this defeat the settlers violently repressed at local festive custom festivity how to use media and religious forms native practitioners of ceremonial acts, i.e. banned everything that would keep the culture of their ancestors low penalty of punishment (spanking, closure and up to death), the absence of media written in the time of the Incas is that we have no sources to collect the description in detail of the cultural experience of the Inca Empire.
After the defeat of José Cabriel Condorcanqui, cultural expression undergoes a sudden change in its original manifestation, incorporating new outfits, instruments and musical melody, forcing the community change their beliefs with the customs Spanish based on the libretto of the Spanish religion, this syncretism allows you to mix their customs with the Spaniards and adopting new rituals, legends, and paganism.
Traditionally the quecha people had domesticated animals limited, in the conquest the Spaniards brought initially horse and the Mule that used as animal support and cargo transportation, back in the time of colonization from 1560 they introduced to the Inca Empire animals for their breeding, food consumption and support, among the leading cattle are cattle, sheep (sheep), caprine and swine.

The colonial church of greater seniority in the Mantaro Valley is located in the District of Santiago Leon's low Chongos, district which was founded by the Spaniards as town July 25, 1534, the sanctuary was built the years 1534-1535 as the parish of low Chongos and it has as pattern to the Apostle Santiago since its inception, this parish was evangelising function to the Ayllu Chuncos Huanca village, to be adopted the Spanish religion and assimilate new customs other than its origin, for this purpose the quechua people settled South of the Mantaro Valley were forced to attend this evangelization and are in the image of the Apostle Santiago as their protector, accepting as the benefactor of humanity and nature as providing adequate climates for a good production agricultural and livestock, reject to the Apostle James meant to submit to the divine casticus as lack of rains, the presence of gusts, hailstorms and incurable diseases. Evangelism certainly meant a change in their way of life of the Andean people.
(Santiago Colonial Church
Chongos lion low)

Assign different actions to the Apostle James as an act of divine and, in keeping with their devotion, diverse communities postpone the name of their people with the name of San Juan and in its reverence nominated as Patron Saint of the town. (San Juan of Iscos and San Juan de Jarpa), in this context, the villages with native language dialect Huanca (quechua) heir to the Ayllu commune, they embody in Santiago as the benefactor of your pets and responsible Apostle protection for your fertility and reproduction of their cattle as part of its main economic activity and, in devotion to the Apostle develop cults complementing with a festive event that is today known as Santiago and in quechua huanca (Tinyakuy) ceremony in homage to their animals domesticated.
After the discovery of the grave where son of Zebedee and Salome, by the year 813 rests the remains of the Apostle James the Christian community to the North of the European peninsula began to come on pilgrimage to show their devotion where today is the city of Santiago de Compostela, developed this Holy City in one of the most important pilgrimage of the community centers Christian in Europe, given the hierarchy in the figure of the Apostle James the year 1122 Pope Calixto II decides to Institute the Compostela Holy year, ordering is celebrate the years when July 25 coincide on Sunday with a festive ceremony. However Felipe IV ordered officially to Santiago as the sole patron of Spain since 1627, provided that the festivity in honor to Santiago Apostle is celebrated on July 25 of each year.

Image of Santiago Apostle

Santiago is Huanca, is a party organized at the same time for every family throughout the Valley of Mantaro whose central date is July 25 of each year for the reasons set out in paragraphs that precede, is constituted as a living culture bequeathed e institutionalized by the Ayllus of the Chucos Huanca, located to the South of the Valley of the Mantaro heir to the native language dialect Huanca (quechua), this holiday is set between the years 1540 and 1545 as a result of evangelization at the centers of education of the Church of Santiago Leon's low Chongos, where children and young people learned to write, read, arts and musical skills, noting the interest in music among the natives and express it in their daily activities and festivities of the family in their own customs and melodies, demonstrating resistance to change with the cultural influence of the Spanish, this festive event to their animals remains current with their own customs and in their native language until our days, we wonder because; The ayllus in the Valley were formed by kinship and comprised 30, 50 and 100 families distributed throughout the Valley and higher areas, where every ayllu possessed their own plots that were engaged in small-scale farming and livestock, this organization was independent of the Inca Empire with its own organization, customs and their own dialect, for this autonomy of the nation Huanca in his efforts at dominance in 1460 the Inca ordered to invade the Huanca culture, for its purpose sent his warriors who requested the accountability leaders huancas, to this requirement the heads of each Ayllu rejected and repudiated, as a result undertaken a ferocious attack that after a stubborn resistance they were defeated, after this defeat the huancas deferid permanently to the militia of the incas and did not hesitate to ally themselves to the Spanish militia formed by the faithful and allied, participating then in the taking of Cuzco and other battles as defeat rebels in Vilcabamba.
This participation in the reconquest of Cuzco, the Huanca nation was recognized by the Spanish Crown, where Felipe II granted the Blazon to Huancas on signal from the union of two Nations, action that enabled the Huanca nobility to recover its territory and Additionally the Spanish Government using Real cell forbade the establishment of latifundia in the huanca territory. Not having established the large estates in the Valley the huanca community retain their territory, maintaining their plots, ritual customs, festive and native language community that develops a cultural change with the influence of the Catholic Church and learning and He mixture of both and Spanish habits. Without a doubt the community huanca chonco was not subject to the slavery of the gamonales.
The celebration in honor to St. James the Apostle, patron of the Santiago León's low Chongos district, is annually held from 25 to 30 July, date insert getting started the celebration the last Friday of the month of July, this feast is organized by the stewards as a Act of faith, being a popular festival for locals and visitors, custom that he is repeated annually.
Santiago Huanca, is a family holiday as a ceremonial Act to shield their animals the Apostle Santiago, Festival that has evolved as the society develops culturally not precisely is an idolatry to animals but, because of the link which exists between the family and yours with the maintaining a relationship of mutual dependence, no doubt here we must bear in mind that domesticated animals meet for the family as a productive force and its livestock growth means a active economy that that depends on the economic development of the family and community, for this effect entrusted in Santiago as their protector imploring him to that you can create weather conditions suitable for the abundance of natural pastures and the multiplication of their cattle.
Originally the Apus, and the holiday rituals attributed to their domesticated animals were fomented by the ayllus, known as tinyakuy, ceremony that was as one activity of the peasant scheduled in the months of July and August indistinctly to the end of the agricultural harvest, these months is usually a dry season by the rugged climate, the lack of an agricultural activity in this season was special occasion to devote himself to the attention of their cattle, how to make a festive ceremony known as tinyakuy, activity that began after designation of the date by the family, on the eve was custom make the velacuy to outfits prepared for the cintachikuy, all in a specially decorated table containing fruit and wild flowers collected and the inevitable kuinto kuka, the main day of the ceremony early in the morning the families are to the pens where prepared bonfires to relieve the atmosphere of evil spirits, and animals of the negative energies is released before receive the ceremony for its day, this central ceremony consisted of putting distinctive animals such as painted with dyes and putting floral motifs at the neck, this festive ceremony was accompanied by the 
percussion of the tinya and poured songs by attendees at the end of this Act the family performed the pagapu to the Apus consisting in the burial of a container containing agricultural products, coca leaf (kuka kintu), fruits and flowers quotas as some precious metals, burial in a place designated previously as payment to the Dios Wamaní, completed this ritual ceremony the animals were chased to the camel lodge always to the beat of songs made by the native family in their language as a process of evolution in its manifestation, and the tinya whose lyrics It expressed the feelings that bound them with their animals and describing the benefits, features and defects of the same, in the same encouraged their multiplication for next year, to then conclude with a festive ceremony of the family, which is normally a stew served with House drink chicha.

With the flowering of the Church Santiago León of Chongos under evangelizer and the pilgrimage of Taita Shanti, accepted by the Ayllu community as the protector of mankind, farmland and animals, replace the Apus Wamaní by the Apostle James, also influenced by the habits and customs of the invaders the Huanca nation community instruct your pets protection Taita Shanti naming him as Patron Saint and protector of their animals, and for this Act of faith they profess worship imploring his protection for the multiplication of their cattle and in his honour they perform a ceremony called Santiago Huanca Tinyakuy that still remains in the villages that used to commemorate the legacy of Huanca culture and the tradition of the world Catholic that celebrate James the Apostle in the world, sets up as a festive date July 25 of each year. Anthropologically conceptualizing culture in time has been developed in its customs, its myths, values, beliefs, rituals, religion and language, where the social evolution is determinant, rites, dances and songs at the time of the Inca Empire was the medium as they expressed their culture to the lack of an alphabetic script, huancas cultivate this heritage until today as the race Huanca identity.
 The Santiago of the Huanca nation evolved in accordance to the social development, this festival was initially exclusive ayllus, dedicated to small animal breeding by the limitations that had to access the cattle brought by the invaders that they were exclusive of the estates where the Gamonal was alien to the customs of the peasants. The settled community in the Valley and Highlands from 1560 to access various cattle that were exclusive of the landowner gradually developed in this Valley small animal husbandry with increasing feelings of relationship of coexistence man with their cattle to be very useful and, in this scenario better santiaguera party evolves new built-in multi-hued regalia, various ornaments for the Act of sintachakuy and diversification in their musical expression, where parties were initially harmonised with singers that besides the tinya percutar expressed their animals songs accompanied by a musical instrument that was common to the Horn of the Horn of the am known as (Huacra)

In this scenario with the same structure of initial activities of this festival and cultural feelings, evoking his employer boast this feast all the families in the various districts of the Mantaro Valley, this traditional festival various calendar by districts that begins July 25 as the central date, the eighth and the flyer and this is due no less by the lack of availability of the musical institutions of your choice for the best staging in the competitions organized annually their local authorities is disputed where attractive prizes such as a young bull for first place, sheep, improved for the second and stimulus for the third award, we should highlight that, with the modernization of the wind as the SAX invented instruments among the years 1840 and 1842 by the inventor Adolfo Sax, this feast as a cultural expression has evolved with the incorporation of institutions of orchestras, on this occasion concentrate all families who reside abroad and in various cities of the country as well as special guests coming to be the spiritual compadres and distinguished invited friends who are obliged to assist with multicolored outfits especially made to date, to this honor, the owner of the fiesta offers a banquet to They adorn the table with specialty of the family, the chicha de jora corn dishes, in this tower of drinks delivered by each of the attendees is no stranger.

I think it is pertinent to mention the Santiago party organizers in the city without having the motivations of the party, this has an explanation, we mentioned the social evolution and huanca identity as well, families moved to the city by different causes and it motivates them to revalue the legacy customs by their parents and faith in the Apostle Santiago (Taita Shanti), and as an act of revaluing their identity, they organize the Santiago party a mass in honor of Taita Shanti, counting with the attendance of family and guests, this should add a special ingredient the participation of qualified singers who expressed in their letter a motivating content of romantic feelings to couples in harmony of an orchestra and more than one opportunity to they conclude, in marriage of young attendees.
The Festival Santiago in the Valley of the Mantaro is carried out the 25 days of the month of July each year, date that is universal in which worships at St. James the Apostle in the main cities of the Peninsula, Central and South America that have the Apostle as its pat I rono, the transcendental of this party because of his popularity is constituted as a dynamic part of the economy, by this transcendence is considered as an attractive offer of tourism. On the occasion of this festive date the economy PEPs up in the Valley of the Mantaro, mainly in the consumption of goods and services. (Food, beverages, costumes, dresses, accessories, musicians, scenarios, pyrotechnics, safety, lighting, sound, catering, transport and others).

(Goods and services alluding to the santiaguera party)      
Mercado de Huancay

Photo source
-Daily mail

Bibliographic sources:
-Livestock agriculture party and Santiago Apóstol, Juan José Miranda


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