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(Isabel Flores de Oliva, Lima, 1586 - 1617)


Peruvian religious of the order of the Dominicans who was the first saint of America. After having shown signs of intense spiritual precocity, at the age of twenty he took the habit of Dominican tertiary, and devoted his life to the attention of the sick and children and to ascetic practices, the fame of his sanctity soon extending.
Santa Rosa de Lima Patron of the Americas
Venerated already in life by her mystical visions and by the miracles that were attributed to her, in little more than half a century she was canonized by the Catholic Church, which declared her patron saint of Lima and Peru, and shortly after America, the Philippines and the East Indies.
Santa Rosa de Lima was born on April 20, 1586 in the vicinity of the Hospital del Espíritu Santo in the city of Lima, then capital of the Viceroyalty of Peru. She was the daughter of Gaspar Flores (an arcabucero of the natural viceregal guard of San Juan de Puerto Rico) and of the Maria de Oliva from Lima, who in the course of their marriage gave her husband twelve other children. He received baptism in the parish of San Sebastián de Lima, being his godparents Hernando de Valdés and María Orozco.
In the company of her numerous brothers, the girl Rosa moved to the mountain town of Quives (Andean town of the Chillón basin, near Lima) when her father took over the job of managing a work where silver ore was refined. The biographies of Santa Rosa de Lima have vividly retained the fact that in Quives, which was the doctrine of Mercedarian friars, the future saint received in 1597 the sacrament of confirmation from the hands of the Archbishop of Lima,   Santo Toribio Alfonso de Mogrovejo , who made a pastoral visit in the jurisdiction.
Although she had been baptized as Isabel Flores de Oliva, in the confirmation she received the name of Rosa, nickname that her relatives practically used since her birth for her beauty and for a vision that her mother had, in which the girl's face became in a rose. Santa Rosa would assume this name definitively later, when he understood that it was "rose from the garden of Christ" and adopted the religious denomination of Rosa de Santa María.
Santa Rosa 
in the Chapel of her Church

Occupying the "dark stage" in the biography of Santa Rosa de Lima, which corresponds precisely to his childhood and early adolescence in Quives, Luis Millones has tried to shed new light by interpreting some dreams that biographers of the saint gather. Millions believe that this could be the most important stage for the formation of his personality, despite the fact that the authors have preferred to abstract from the economic environment and from the cultural experiences that conditioned the life of the Flores-Oliva family in the sierra, in a mining seat linked to the core of colonial production. Probably that experience (the daily vision of the sufferings suffered by the Indian workers) could be the one that gave Rosa the concern to remedy the diseases and miseries of those who would later believe in her virtue.
In Lima
A devotee writes her wish to
 Ranta Rosa de Lima
  Already since her childhood, the future saint had shown her religious vocation and a singular spiritual elevation. He had learned music, song and poetry from the hand of his mother, who was dedicated to instructing the daughters of the nobility. It is said that she was well equipped for sewing, with which she would help sustain the family budget. With the return of the family to the Peruvian capital, I would soon stand out for its selfless dedication to others and for its extraordinary mystic gifts.
At that time, Lima lived an atmosphere of religious effervescence to which Santa Rosa was not stranger: it was a time in which the attributions of miracles, cures and all kinds of wonders abounded on the part of a population that put great emphasis on the virtues and ideal of Christian life. Around sixty people died in the "smell of holiness" in the Peruvian capital between the late sixteenth and mid-eighteenth centuries. This led to a long series of biographies of saints, blesseds and servants of God, works very similar in content, governed by the same formal structures and analogous categories of thought.
In adolescence, Santa Rosa was attracted with singular strength by the model of the Dominican   Saint Catherine of Siena   (Tuscan mystic of the fourteenth century); Following her example, she stripped off her attractive hair and made a vow of perpetual chastity, contrary to the plans of her parents, whose idea was to marry her. After much insistence, the parents gave up their purpose and allowed him to continue his spiritual life. He wanted to join the Dominican order, but since there was no convent of the order in the city, in 1606 he took the Dominican tertiary habit in the church of Santo Domingo in Lima.
He would never be confined to a convent; Rosa continued to live with her family, helping with household chores and caring for people in need. Soon he had great fame for his virtues, which he expounded throughout a life dedicated to the Christian education of children and the care of the sick; He came to install a hospital near his home to be able to assist them better. In these tasks he apparently helped a mulatto friar who, like her, was destined to be raised to the altars:   San Martin de Porres .
The devotee leaves her request
 in the well of desire

The people with whom Rosa came to have some intimacy were very few. In its narrowest circle were virtuous women like Dona Luisa Melgarejo and her group of "beatas", along with friends from the father's house and close to the home of the accountant Gonzalo de la Maza. The confessors of Santa Rosa de Lima were mostly priests of the Dominican congregation. He also had spiritual contact with religious of the Society of Jesus. It is also important the contact he developed with Dr. Juan del Castillo, an Extremaduran doctor well versed in matters of spirituality, with whom he shared the most secret minutiae of his relationship with God. These spiritual advisers exercised profound influence on Rosa.
It is not surprising, of course, that his mother, Maria de Oliva, abominated the cohort of priests who surrounded her pious daughter, because she was sure that the ascetic rigors that she imposed on herself were "because of this view, ignorant credulity and judgment of some confessors, "as a contemporary recalls. The stereotypical behavior of Santa Rosa de Lima becomes more evident even when it is noticed that, by order of his confessors, he wrote down the various grants he had received from Heaven, thus composing the panel entitled   Spiritual ladder. Not much is known about the readings of Santa Rosa, although it is known that he found inspiration in the theological works of   Fray Luis de Granada .
Last years
Towards 1615, and with the help of his favorite brother, Hernando Flores de Herrera, he built a small cell or hermitage in the garden of his parents' house.There, in a space of just over two square meters (which can still be seen today), Santa Rosa de Lima was collected with relish to pray and do penance, practicing a severe asceticism, with a crown of thorns under the veil, nailed hair to the wall so as not to fall asleep, gall as a drink, rigorous fasts and constant disciplines.
His biographers say that his mystical experiences and states of ecstasy were very frequent. Apparently, every week he experienced an ecstasy similar to that of Santa Catalina de Ricci, his contemporary and sister of habit; it is said that every Thursday morning he locked himself in his oratory and did not come to himself until Saturday morning. Several gifts were also attributed to him, such as prophecy (according to tradition, he prophesied his death a year before); Legend has it that he even saved the Peruvian capital from a raid by pirates.
Mass to Santa Rosa, celebrated by a Mexican priest

Santa Rosa de Lima suffered at that time the misunderstanding of family and friends and suffered stages of deep emptiness, but all of this resulted in an intense spiritual experience, full of ecstasies and wonders, such as communication with plants and animals, without ever losing joy of his spirit (fond of composing love songs with mystical symbolism) and the beauty of his face. He thus reached the highest level of the mystical scale, spiritual marriage: tradition tells that, in the church of Santo Domingo, he saw   Jesus Christ , and this one asked him to be his wife. On March 26, 1617, his mystical betrothal to Christ was celebrated in the church of Santo Domingo de Lima, with Fray Alonso Velásquez (one of his confessors) who put on his fingers the symbolic ring as a sign of perpetual union.
With all success, Rosa had predicted that his life would end at the home of his benefactor and confidante Gonzalo de la Maza (accountant of the tribunal of the Holy Crusade), in which he resided in recent years. A few months after that mystical betrothal, Santa Rosa de Lima fell seriously ill and was affected by acute hemiplegia. Dona Maria de Uzátegui, the Madrid counter wife, admired her; before dying, Santa Rosa requested that she be the one who shrouded her.Around his bed of agony was the marriage of La Maza-Uzátegui with his two daughters, Dona Micaela and Dona Andrea, and one of his closest disciples, Luisa Daza, whom Santa Rosa de Lima asked to sing a song with accompaniment of vihuela. The Virgin of Lima thus gave her soul to God, on August 24, 1617, in the early hours of the morning; I was only 31 years old.
On the same day of his death, in the afternoon, the body of Santa Rosa was transferred to the large convent of the Dominicans, called Nuestra Señora del Rosario. His funeral was impressive because of its resonance among the capital's population. A motley crowd filled the roadways, balconies and rooftops in the nine blocks that separated the street from the Capón (where the residence of Gonzalo de la Maza was) of that temple. The following day, August 25, there was a mass of present body officiated by Don Pedro de Valencia, bishop-elect of La Paz, and then proceeded stealthily to bury the remains of the saint in a room of the convent, without bells or bells any ceremony, to avoid the agglomeration of the faithful and curious.
The process that led to the beatification and canonization of Rosa de Lima began almost immediately, with the information of witnesses promoted in 1617-1618 by the archbishop of Lima, Bartolomé Lobo Guerrero. After five decades of procedure, Pope Clement IX beatified her in 1668, and a year later declared her patron saint of
              Santa Rosa, Patron of the
               National Police of Peru
Lima and Peru. His successor, Clement X, canonized her in 1671; a year earlier, she had also declared her the principal patron of America, the Philippines and the East Indies. The festivity of Santa Rosa de Lima is celebrated on August 30 in most of the countries, although the Second Vatican Council moved it to August 23


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