The District of San Juan de Iscos, in its different ecological levels, highlights its beauty and importance, which distributes and diversifies its flora and fauna   very own of the Valley of the Mantaro, valley that by its beauty is appreciated by those who visit it, without a doubt "ISCOS" is located in a basin that in its entrails   we find an impressive steppe framed in the heart of the Mantaro Valley, it has an amazing natural reserve covered by a Green Mantle, in its territorial conformation it has attractive natural areas such as, abra, ravines, meadows, springs and puquios whose eyes sprout water Pure ready for human consumption resource that may well be industrialized. The gastronomy is varied and exquisite true delicacies with organic products from the farm to the pot and prepared with the laborious hands of the always beautiful Isqueñas.

Besides being a viewpoint of the valley, the qualities mentioned in the previous section makes the District an incomparable tourist attraction, its Community has a territorial space of free availability appropriate for the construction of infrastructures of various economic and sports related activities tourism, the implementation of these economic activities is a potential generator of employment and self-employment, as we can not fail to mention that the district has an Agricultural Park carved by the expert hands of its community and crafts developed exclusively by the Ladies as a complementary activity.

With attractive natural resources, the various complementary sports and services to be implemented, provides a significant component for the district of San Juan de Iscos to become a MEGA PARQUE TURÍSTICO , for which in a strategic alliance between the Community, Local Government and private companies develop a Plan for Ecological Tourism Development in the short, medium and long term.

However, due to the economic limitations of its Community and the lack of a vision of development based on tourism activity, it is not possible to implement the economic development of the San Juan de Iscos district, which, well, will allow this project to overcome poverty. community for the generation of self-employment, by virtue of this project it is necessary to request the business world and / or government organizations to provide financial and technical support for training the community and formulating the profile of integral development.

Cel. 964240311

Note: I would be grateful if you could direct this search, for the sustainable development of the Community of San Juan de Iscos, Junín, Peru.



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